Consortium meeting of EU Erasmus+ Project ASSET and Train the Trainers workshops were held in Sokhumi State University

Consortium meeting of EU Erasmus+ Project ASSET and Train the Trainers workshops were held in Sokhumi State University


Consortium meeting of EU Erasmus+ Project ASSET and Train the Trainers workshops were held in Sokhumi State University


Consortium meeting of EU Erasmus+ Project ASSET and Train the Trainers workshops were held in Sokhumi State Universityon May 14, 2019.The consortium meeting was opened and the participants were welcomed by Prof. Zurab Khonelidze, Rector of Sokhumi State University, Assoc. Prof. Romeo Galdava,Head of the Quality Assurance Service of SSU, Lia Akhaladze local coordinator of the project and Dean of the Faculty of Education, and Prof. Dorit alt,coordinator of the ASSET Consortium. The University Rector and SSASSET team (professors: Lia Akhaladze, Tamar Shinjiashvili, Kakha Kvashilava, invited lecturers: Levan Kvaratskhelia and Nino Tsulaia) have arranged a warm welcome meeting at the University: after the Israeli and Georgian anthems, students performed Georgian and Jewish dances and songs in honour of the guests.


Afteropening the consortium, foreign and Georgian trainers conducted trainings for different instruments of formative assessment: 1. Open Badges, 2. Critical Friend Approach, 3. ConceptMaps, 4. Peer Assessment/Reflective Diary, 5. Soft  Skills for the 21st Century.


In the consortiumparticipated representatives from the universities of Georgia, Israel, Ireland, Estonia, Germany and Austria. From the EU countries in the project are involved University College of Cork, Ireland, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Germany, School of Digital Technologies, Tallinn University, Estonia and Private University of Education of the Diocese of Linz, Austria.


The project is coordinated by Kinneret academic College from Israel. Besides, Gordon Academic College of Education, the College of Sakhnin for Teacher Education, Hadassah Academic Collegeare involved in the project from Israel. From Georgia in the project are involved IvaneJavakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Ilia State University, Sokhumi State University, Samtskhe-Javakheti State University and National Center for Teacher Professional Development.


Within the framework of the consortium the electronic version of the textbooks on above-mentioned methods was developed. It is planned to pilot and disseminate them, as well as the publication of the textbooks.

 Train the trainer meeting in IL 



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