Photo Exhibition Commemorating the Day of Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia

Photo Exhibition Commemorating the Day of Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia


On May 4, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR declared independence, a significant milestone in the nation's history. Subsequently, on September 6, 1991, the Soviet Union officially recognized the independence of Latvia. To commemorate these historical events from 1989 to 1991, Sokhumi State University, in collaboration with the Latvian Embassy in Georgia, organized a photo exhibition.

The esteemed Ambassador of Latvia to Georgia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ingrida Levrence, a valued friend and supporter of Sokhumi State University, graced the occasion with her presence.

In welcoming the distinguished guest, Professor Zurab Khonelidze, the Rector of Sokhumi State University, expressed his gratitude:

"Today, we are honored to have a dear guest who leads the diplomatic mission of our friendly country and is a cherished friend. She is well-acquainted with Sokhumi State University, understanding its history, mission, tasks, and goals. She appreciates the weight our institution of higher education bears, being an integral part of our nation's destiny. I would like to thank Madam Ambassador for her sincere attitude towards us and extend my congratulations on the anniversary of the restoration of state independence."

In response, Ambassador Ingrida Levrence expressed her appreciation for the constant support and friendship from Rector Z. Khonelidze. She highlighted the shared love for freedom that unites the peoples and countries, emphasizing the significance of expressing this unity at Sokhumi State University.

During the photo exhibition, the Latvian Ambassador talked about the remarkable struggle of the Latvian people to restore their independence.



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