Presentation of Rector Zurab Khonelidze's Monograph in Poti

Presentation of Rector Zurab Khonelidze's Monograph in Poti


On September 27, 2022, coinciding with the holiday of the Exaltation of the Cross and the solemn day commemorating the tragic fall of Sokhumi, as well as marking the 179th anniversary of the birth of the renowned Georgian public figure, Niko Nikoladze – the first mayor of Poti – the town of Poti hosted a distinguished delegation from Sokhumi State University.

The visit held special significance, as it was initiated and extended by the Poti and Khobi Diocese, in collaboration with the "Peace Education Center" of Sokhumi State University, Poti City Hall, and the Poti City Council. The purpose of the visit was to conduct the presentation of the monograph "Georgian Paradigm of Peace" authored by Professor Zurab Khonelidze, the Rector of Sokhumi State University.

On September 27, a day that holds dual significance for Georgia – embodying both national tragedy and the strength of faith – the Rector introduced the core spirit of the monograph to the audience. The essence of the monograph revolves around the complete integration of university-academic resources into the peace process, harmonizing diplomacy in this unique direction. This groundbreaking idea, deemed entirely new and innovative, has never been utilized before. Specialists and scientists from various parts of the world highly appreciate the concept of university diplomacy as a distinct Georgian paradigm of peace, predicting significant success for it.

Building on this innovative idea, Sokhumi State University has successfully operated a Master's program for the second year. Moreover, with the approval of Mr. Zurab Khonelidze, a similar lecture course is set to be established in several state higher education institutions in the near future.

The presentation concluded with a discussion, during which the audience welcomed the monograph and its central idea. Attendees were also given copies of the book with the author's autographs as tokens of appreciation. The positive reception further highlights the potential impact of the Georgian paradigm of peace introduced by Professor Zurab Khonelidze.



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