Scientific-academic conference „Cultural values of Abkhazia: Language, literature, history, education, politics, cultural monuments“

Scientific-academic conference „Cultural values of Abkhazia: Language, literature, history, education, politics, cultural monuments“


 On December 8-9, 2022, The Department of Scientific Research and Development of Sukhumi State University invites you to the scientific-academic conference "Cultural values ​​of Abkhazia: language, literature, history, education, politics and cultural monuments", which will be held for the second time in the fall of this year.

The conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mariam Lortkifanidze, a famous Georgian historian, doctor of historical sciences, professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and academician of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences.


The purpose of the conference is scientific communication among researchers of the history, literature, language, education, and culture ​​of Abkhazia, as well as researchers of another occupied region of Georgia - Shida Kartli Mountains (municipalities of Tskhinvali, Akhalgori, and Java). The researches of Abkhazia in Georgia and abroad provide important material for scientific planning and the conference should facilitate the scientific discussion, which will be useful for the analysis of modern challenges in the mentioned direction.

 The conference will be held in a hybrid format. The first day will be devoted to the opening, welcome, keynote speaker, and plenary session participants (face-to-face format), while the second day will feature thematic sections (online format).

The themes of the conference:

v  Mariam Lortkipanidze: scientific heritage and activity; the problems of Abkhazia and Shida Kartli mountains in Mariam Lortkipanidze’s scientific research and activities;

v  Abkhazian language, Georgian language, Georgian-Abkhazian language parallels;

v   Georgian literature, Abkhazian literature, Georgian-Abkhazian literary-cultural relations;

v   History and ethnography of Abkhazia;

v  Cultural heritage of the occupied regions of Georgia (Abkhazia, Shida Kartli Mountains/Tskhinvali, Akhalgori and Java municipalities): research, protection, promotion;

v  Education in the occupied regions of Georgia (Abkhazia, Shida Kartli Mountains/Tskhinvali, Akhalgori and Java municipalities);

v  Problems of Abkhazia and Shida Kartli mountains (Tskhinvali, Akhalgori and Java municipalities) (state policy, international support, solutions, etc.)

v  interdisciplinary studies.


 Conference venue:

face-to-face -  In Sokhumi State University;

online - Zoom platform;



Working languages: Georgian, English, Abkhazian (if desired);

Presentation form: oral report, presentation.

Registration form: sending abstracts in electronic form (Georgian and English (obligatory), Georgian, Abkhaz and English (also possible)).



Important dates:

v  Registration and submission of abstracts: from October 6 to November 27. Review of received abstracts - until November 30.

v  You will receive information about participation by December 2, 2022;

v  Working days of the conference: December 8, 12 o'clock - opening, work of sections face to face; December 9 Sections work online on the Zoom platform.

v  Deadline for presentation (if any) - December 7, 2022;

v  The deadline for sending the full text of the report is December 20, 2022;


Abstracts must be presented in Georgian and English languages. Georgian in Sylfaen font (size -12, space 1,15); up to 250 words); English translation of at least C1 (Advanced/high) level, in Times New Roman font.

Abstracts in Georgian and English (if desired, also in Abkhaz) should include:


- Name, surname, institution, academic degree, academic position (for Ph.D. and MA students, it is mandatory to specify the program unit, and the consent of the scientific supervisor).

- The title of the paper

- Purpose and relevance of research

- Research method

- Scientific novelty or practical importance of the work

- Keywords (5-6 words).




contact information:



 Phone: (+995) 577 17 07 23

 Scientific Research and Development Service

Conference Organizing Council



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